Want to live better, longer?

Want to live better, longer?

All of the best creditable information, sites, articles, videos, Telomere Testing-How Fast are you Aging? All in one place if interested in fascination newest genetic information, no BS, aging.

How at ages 77 and 80, our tested cellular ages are 1. age new born, 2. age 30, test results shared after being first to take four 100% certified telomerase enzyme capsules a day with enhanced enzymns, nutrients, minerals and markers, on the market since June, 2011, over 900 days, going on three years now.

This is evidence, not scientific proof yet. No guarantees anyone else will have similar test results. Lifesyles and DNA differ. Find out why scientists world wide call telomerase enzyme “The Fountain of Youth” and what you can do now to take advantage of it to rejuvinate all 100+ Trillions of living cells in every organ in your body. “Making old genes Younger” and ” A cure for cancer & heart disease?anipulating the length of telomeres. See AOL home page article, 9-27-13 here.


All at regrowStelomeres